Harini entry syfq a bit educational sikit.. hehe , entry ni utk sesiapa yg ade allergy2 nih..
Let say if pollen is making you misearable , a cure could be waiting in the produce aisle .. So kat sini ade salah satu makanan yg syfq blaja boleh utk cure..

Hurmm kalu kita makan broccoli sprouts may help you breathe easier. Sape2 yg makan 7 ounces of sprouts for 3 days saw up to 200% increase in the production of proteins that make antioxidants in their nasal cells.

So.. syfq gigih ek g alamanda beria beli broccoli nih.. ahaks! Walaupun xde allergy2 nih.. Rebus pastu wat makanan petang memang lazat !!
OMG! im so loving this entry...alternative to antihistamine yg i kene carry everywhere because of my hypersensitivity trdhp unsur2 seperti habuk, seafood, pollen, weather..dan lain2...thankx...BROCOLLI SEDAP DIREBUS MAKAN BERSAMA kentang rebus..
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